Guest Speaker: Emily Nagoski,”5 (dirty, little) secrets from the science of women’s sexuality”

We are delighted to be hosting Emily Nagoski (an old friend from IU) in Leeds on March 15th. Emily is the bestselling author of what John Gottman called “the best book I have ever read about sexual desire”, and she blogs about all things sex and sexuality at The Dirty Normal.

The talk will be a lot of fun (for a taste, see her recent TED-X talk), the event is free and absolutely everyone is welcome – please spread the word widely!

Eventbrite booking page with details of location, etc


Recent advances in the science of sex – from arousal to desire to orgasm – are utterly transforming our understanding of how sex works, and what we can do when it doesn’t. It begins with the brain mechanism controlling sexual response – the dual control model, involving a sexual “accelerator” as well as a sexual “brake.” Another development is the burgeoning evidence of the neurological difference between “wanting” and “liking.” And perhaps the most essential insight of all is the recognition that there is no such thing as a sex “drive” at all; sexual motivation behaves not like a “hunger”… but like curiosity. All of this (and more) points us toward a model of human sexuality that’s less about desire and temptation, and more about pleasure, connection, and joy.​